Tuesday, May 6, 2008

DNA Paternity Test : Fooling The Test With Saliva From Another Person

Fooling a DNA Paternity test is not something you should consider. A number of factors come into play when the specimen is taken for analysis. Trying to alter the results of the test when used for forensic evidence in a court room could result in serious trouble. However, there still are many who try. As a result new protocols for collecting specimens have been adopted to prevent fraudulent DNA Paternity Test.

This is just what happened to one person who was under going a paternity test. When the test results came back it gave an incongruous result, DNA that could not have come from the man that the test was preformed on. Because of the detection of fraudulent cases the team gathering the sample followed all the protocols and had the subject wash his mouth out before the test. What the subject had done was keep some saliva in a small container and right before the test he swabbed some in his mouth. The results came back with two different DNA results which is impossible to have. After taking the test again the man was found to be 99.999998% the father of the child.

This actually was the first time someone tried to use another persons saliva to alter the test results in order to evade court findings. Because of this the many protocols have been incorporated when collecting saliva for forensic analysis. Now just before the test saliva donars must wash their mouth out in front of a witness and the DNA sample would then be immediately taken.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

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